As part of the forest management certification process, Kapit FMU had to identify High Conservation Value sites as to provide management and monitoring recommendations to ensure that the forestry activities do not negatively impact HCVs attributes that were present. This assessment was conducted accordance to the Malaysian Toolkit for HCVF and Pro-forest Toolkit to interpret HCV definitions.

Under the Forest Management Certification under Criterion 9.4 which required the FMU to conduct annual monitoring to assess the effectiveness of the measures employed to maintain or enhance the identified conservation attributes.

Status of HCV and details of HCV monitoring 2023 is summarized as below.

HCV 1– Protected Area

Demarcation of the buffer belt of 1 km width along the Malaysia – Indonesia International boundary.The 1 km wide buffer along Malaysia – Indonesia international boundary has been mapped on General Harvesting Plan (GP) and approved by FDS.

Mapping at detailed harvesting level and ground demarcation will be conducted at Coupe 7(I) (previous is coupe 5) in 2025-2026 and coupe 23 in 2041-2042.
Monitoring of perimeter of buffer belt and any signs of encroachment.Based on the aerial boundary patrolling and monitoring done on 14th February 2023, no encroachment on 1km width along the Malaysia-Indonesia international boundary.

HCV 1 – Rare, Threatened and Endangered (RTE) Species

Appointment of Honorary Wildlife RangerAs of 2023, Ta Ann Group (TAG) HWLR consists of 7 forest managers and staff; they are trained by Sarawak Forestry Cooperation (SFC) and officially appointed by the Conservator of Wildlife. In the same year, 10 candidates from TAG were nominated as HWLR and are waiting for training from SFC.
Awareness and training of field worker on recognition of protected speciesAwareness briefing on RTE species of flora and fauna has been conducted on August 2023. Poster of gazetted Totally Protected and Protected Species of Sarawak under the Wild Life Protection Ordinance is publicly available at base camp, temporary camp and work sites.  
Strict adherence to the DF Circular 6/99 Conservator of Wildlife and banned hunting by staffs and contractor.DF circular 6/99 was highlighted to field staffs and forest workers during RTE awareness briefing annualy.

Signage of DF Circular 6/99 has been erected to educate and remind workers on the prohibition of hunting in the FMU.  
To educate the local communities on the need to protect RTE and control hunting.Briefing on the protection of RTE and control hunting has been conducted during social program conducted at Rh. Lawan, Rh. Undi and Rh. Nading.
Controlled entry to the FMU through Security gates.  Record of entry and exit with also a record of wild meat or other NTFP collected.Available of record of entry and exit at the security gate. In 2023, a total of 426 entries by the local communities into FMU with 246 entries successful collections of NTFP.

Signage of No Hunting was erected at the security gate and within FMU.
The 100% inventory of harvestable trees during pre-harvesting operation to prevent accidental felling.During pre-harvest inventory and harvesting operation in Coupe 05A(I), a total of 2,227 ha has been inventoried with a total number of 3,285 trees or 1.46 tree/ha of trees for protection identified, tagged and marked on the working map.

PT – 809 tree (0.36 tree/ha)
MT – 2360 tree (1.05 tree/ha)
FT – 99 tree (0.04 tree/ha)
NT – 17 tree (0.01 tree/ha)
Honorary Wildlife Ranger to conduct monitoring within FMU (gate, camp, worksite etc.) and prepare monitoring report. Any illegal findings shall be reported to the relevant authoritiesHonorary Wildlife Ranger patrolling was conducted on September 2023. No illegal activities detected during the patrolling.    
Annual awareness and re-trainingRefresher training on HCV was conducted on August 2023.
Continue monitoring the presence of wildlife through wildlife survey or camera trapping.In 2023, two (2) assessment of wildlife monitoring activities has been conducted. All monitoring was conducted by sighting or observation along an existing logging road.  

Wildlife monitoring at Coupe 04A (I) Pre & Post Harvest
A total of 21 wildlife species were observed during pre-harvest and 12 species at the post-harvest stage, respectively.

Wildlife monitoring at Coupe 04A(II) and 05A(II) Pre Harvest
A total of 28 species were observed at Coupe 04A(II) and 30 species at Coupe 05A(II) during pre-harvest.  
Conduct periodical monitoring patrolling and inspection at forest area, campsites and base campHonorary Wildlife Ranger patrolling was conducted on September 2023. No illegal activities detected during the patrolling.
RIL monitoring on Pre-harvest and harvest operation to ensure that trees are tagged, and protected from accidental felling.Internal audit by SFM Department once a year to ensure appropriate implementation of RIL. No finding on tree tag and accidental tree felling during the internal audit conducted in 2023.  

HCV 1 – Endemic Species

Awareness and training of field worker on recognition of Endemic species.Awareness briefing on RTE species of flora and fauna has been conducted on August 2023.  
Strict adherence to the DF Circular 6/99 Conservator of Wildlife and banned hunting by staffs and contractor.DF circular 6/99 was highlighted to field staffs and forest workers during RTE awareness briefing annualy.

Signage of DF Circular 6/99 has been erected to educate and remind workers on the prohibition of hunting in the FMU.  
To educate the local communities on the need to protect Endemic Species and control hunting.Briefing on the protection of RTE and control hunting has been conducted during social program conducted at Rh. Lawan, Rh. Undi and Rh. Nading.
Controlled entry to the FMU through Security gates.  Record of entry and exit with also a record of wild meat or other NTFP collected.In 2023, a total of 426 entries by the local communities into FMU with 246 entries successful collections of NTFP.

Signage of No Hunting was erected at the security gate and within FMU.
Annual awareness and re-trainingAwareness briefing on RTE species of flora and fauna has been conducted on August 2023.  
Conduct periodical monitoring patrolling and inspection at forest area, campsites and base campHonorary Wildlife Ranger patrolling was conducted on September 2023. No illegal activities detected during the patrolling.
Monitor local community entering FMU record for hunting.In 2023, a total of 426 entries by the local communities into FMU with 246 entries successful collections of NTFP.  
Monitor RIL operation to prevent accidental felling of endemic trees.Internal audit by SFM Department once a year to ensure appropriate implementation of RIL and no finding on accidental felling of endemic trees during the audit.

HCV 1 – Critical Temporal Use

Identified salt lick marked in maps but not on site. No harvesting permitted within minimum 100m radius from the parameter of a salt lick. No signage on the site.Location of salt lick marked in the map and 100m radius of a protected area/buffer zone.  
Identification of nesting sites before the harvesting process in future coupes.The nesting tree incorporated in the RIL SOP to protect such a tree.
Controlled entry to the FMU through the construction of gates would enhance the control of hunting activities.Gatehouse’s record for the year 2023 indicated 426 entries by the local communities into FMU with 246 entries successful collections of NTFP.   
Monitor integrity of the demarcated buffer zone during the harvesting operation.No encroachment as no salt lick area at active operation coupe in 2023.
Monitor and report hunting activities around salt lick.Salt lick monitoring conducted on 14 April 2023. Salt lick still active and no sign of encroachment during monitoring
Camera traps to be installed for more accurate determination.

HCV 3 – Threatened Ecosystem

Demarcation on maps and ground.Kerangas forest located in Coupe 21 has been mapped in HCV map at GP level.
Close monitoring of Kerangas forestBased on the aerial boundary patrolling and monitoring done on 14th February 2023 no encroachment detected during the monitoring.    

HCV 4 – Erosion Control

Terrain Class IV area are mapped and included in the Detailed Harvesting Plan and no logging tractor-bases operation is allowed in Terrain Class IV.There is no Terrain Class IV in Coupe 04A(II), Coupe 05A(I) & Coupe 05A(II).  
Close monitoring of Terrain Class IV area during harvesting activity.Conducted during RIL inspection.  

HCV 5 – Basic Need of Local Communities

Consultation and joint community mapping to Directly Affected Community to determine sites for community need.Consultation has been conducted at Rh. Lawan, Rh. Undi and Rh. Nading.
Joint ground demarcation if site located within FMU production area (if permitted by the local community)No joint ground demarcation conducted as there is no new HCV 5 identified.
Annual consultation to other directly affected communities as the operation progresses from one coupe to another.Annual consultation with directly affected communities will be conducted as the operation progresses from one coupe to another.
Monitor harvesting operation not to encroach into the demarcated/identified site.No important sites of local community located within operation area at FMU Coupe 04A(II), Coupe 05A(I) & Coupe 05A(II).

HCV 6 – Cultural Identity of Local Communities

Consultation and joint community mapping to Directly Affected Community to determine community cultural sites.Consultation has been conducted at Rh. Lawan, Rh. Undi and Rh. Nading.
Joint ground demarcation if site located within FMU production area (if permitted by the local community)No joint ground demarcation conducted as there is no new HCV 6 identified.
Monitor and assess the dependency rate of the local community.Continuous consultation to be conducted through CRC and direct consultation prior to commencement of any operation.  
Annual consultation to other directly affected communities as the operation progresses from one coupe to another.Annual consultation with directly affected communities will be conducted as the operation progresses from one coupe to another.
Monitor harvesting operation not to encroach into the demarcated/identified site.No site of cultural importance of local community for the time being.

Updated on 5 May 2024 by SFM Department