In line with the directive from the State Government for all Forest Timber Licenses (FTL’s) to undergo certification in Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), Ta Ann has consolidated its FTL’s and Licences for Planted Forest (LPF’s) in the Song-Kapit region into three (3) Forest Management Units (FMU’s) namely, Kapit FMU, Pasin FMU and Raplex FMU. They are compliant with the Criteria and Indicators of the PEFC-endorsed Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS). We currently have 3 active FMUs that are fully-certified and they cover an area of over 346,021ha.

KAPIT Forest Management Unit (FMU) covers an area of 149,877 hectares in the southern part of Kapit District. The FMU operates under the Timber Licence No. T/3491 issued to Tanjong Manis Holdings Sdn Bhd, a 100% subsidiary of Ta Ann Holdings Berhad. The license tenure of this FMU has been revised and extended to 30 years until 11th April 2053. The new term has been aprroved by Forest Department Sarawak vide (36)JHS/WPO.628.388(IV) on 11th April 2023. The logging contractor for this FMU is Hariwood Sdn Bhd, also a 100% subsidiary of Ta Ann Holdings Berhad. 28% of the FMU is located within Stateland, 38% of Kapit FMU is within gazetted Baleh Protected Forest (PF) and 34% is under the Baleh PF (Proposed 3rd extension). The southern part of KAPIT FMU is located inside Heart of Borneo (HoB) project area.
Kapit FMU can be accessible by express boat or public road from Sibu town. Kapit town is about 140 km upriver and an express boat/road trip would take about three (3) hours. The FMU Engkeramuh Base Camp can be reached from Kapit town by four-wheel drive vehicles for another two (2) hours’ drive on government tar-sealed and logging roads.
The topography of Kapit FMU area is rather rolling but tends to be mountainous towards the south and west with altitudes ranging from 75 m (250 ft.) to over 880 m (5,900 ft.) above mean sea level. Most of the terrain is between 300 and 600 m (1,000-2,000 ft.).
The current vegetation is predominantly Hill Mixed Dipterocarp Forest (MDF). Patches of shifting cultivation areas with pioneer and secondary vegetation may be found along Batang Rajang, Batang Baleh, Sg. Sut, and Sg. Gaat in the vicinity of the settlements.
Based on Social Impact Assessment report in 2017, Kapit FMU and its adjacent area are currently inhabited by 55 communities living inside or at the fringe of the FMU boundary. However, based on the latest consultation with community leaders and the CRC members, there are 51 settlements located within and adjacent to Kapit FMU. Ethnically, most communities living inside Kapit FMU are Iban while other races, namely Chinese, Malay, Orang Ulu, Melanau, Bidayuh and “others” are residing in Kapit town.
Kapit Forest Management Unit (FMU) managed by Tanjong Manis Holdings Sdn Bhd has been awarded certificate for Forest Management (Natural Forest) under the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS), a scheme endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and expired by year 2026.

Updated on 5 May 2024 by SFM Department