The Kapit Forest Management Unit (FMU) managed by Tanjong Manis Holdings Sdn Bhd (a 100% subsidiary of Ta Ann Holdings Berhad) has been awarded certificate for Forest Management (Natural Forest) under the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS), a scheme endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). The certificate was awarded by SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd on 11 June 2018 with a validity of 3 years. Covering an area of 149,756 hectares, Kapit FMU is located in the southern part of Kapit District and is the first FMU under Ta Ann Group certified.
The journey started in 2014 with the amalgamation and consolidation of group’s licenses in Song-Kapit region into three forest management units (FMUs) aimed for Sustainable Natural Forest Management namely Kapit FMU, Raplex FMU and Pasin FMU. This process was necessary to establish a clear use rights for the resources and to ensure the economy of scale based on sustainable annual allowable cut for a 25-year cutting cycle which is essential for forest management certification. Over the years, the group has collaborated with various stakeholders including Forest Department, Sarawak Forestry, NREB, UNIMAS, UPM and also local communities through the Community Representative Committee. The group has also appointed consultants to assist our FMUs in the preparation of long-term Forest Management Plan and its supporting documents including EIA, SIA, HCV assessment, forest resource assessment (FRA) and baseline wildlife assessment.
At present, the Group is actively preparing its remaining two FMUs to attain the same certification. Raplex FMU is expected to be certified by 2019 whereas Pasin FMU is targeted to be certified by 2020. The commitment is in line with the State Government’s call to have all timber concessions certified in phases so as to enhance sustainable forest management in Sarawak.
Ta Ann Group would like to express its deepest gratitude to the State Government, Forest Department Sarawak, Sarawak Forestry Corporation and all related agencies and stakeholders for the strong support and collaboration in its forest management certification endeavor.